N Chronicles of Buddha's past lives.
N [Gold and golden objects].
F [Rebirth]. The fact to take rebirth.
N Particular state of mind in which consciousness does focus on a single object or no object at all. The jhāna is the outcome of a pure concentration obtained by focusing the mind on a single object.
There do exist forty different meditative supports meant for the one pointedness of mind. We do distinguish two types of jhānas, which do comprise each four different levels that can be experienced according to the profundity of mental concentration. In the first category (rūpa jhāna), consciousness is locked into a single object. In the second category (arūpa jhāna), only consciousness does remain, devoid of any object.
See also: jhānas
N [Failure, chess].
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Author: Monk Dhamma Sāmi
Date: 2001
Translator: Thierry Lambrou
Update: 2005, June the 20th