M [Path, journey (in the abstract sense), research]. Path leading to nibbāna. The simple fact to dedicate oneself to the search of something. magga is also the name that is given to the realisation of a stage of ariyā (obtained following an experience of nibbāna). / That which is likely to eradicate the kilelās.
N [Way, path leading to nibbāna, search of nibbāna (magga); constituent, ingredient (aga)]. Constituent of the path leading to nibbāna. The eight maggaṅgas:
F Great, superior, of large breadth, noble.
M [Great, prominent (mahā); elder (thera)]. bhikkhu having been ordained since twenty years at least or more.
[Middle, central, medium].
M Pride.
N Fact to examine an object by means of the mind, in a penetrative manner. Appropriate consideration (of a situation), enabling the developement of healthy actions (kusalass).
N [Consideration]. Practice designed for rehabilitation back to respect a bhikkhu who has committed a saṃghādisesa.
The mānatta is only practised by bhikkhus who have announced a saṃghādisesa that they committed the very same day. The mānatta does unfold on a six days period. During this period, the bhikkhu who gets purified from his fault, does undergo thirteen punishments.
See also: The practice of the mānatta
M / N [Enemy].
N [Love (empty of attachment, of desire, of passion and infatuation)]. Fact to deeply wish happiness to others.
M [Fact to be mistaken].
M [Being mistaken (micchā); belief (diṭṭhi)]. Heretical belief.
Erroneous view having, as consequences, the adoption of a line of thought whose foundations are not in harmony with reality.
M [To be wrong (micchā); means for satisfying one's needs (jīva)]. Improper means to earn one's living, to acquire goods and belongings.
N [Torpor].
M [Man (purisa); useless (mogha)]. Person who brings about no benefits to the dhamma, who is good for nothing.
Buddha thus designates those who live within the community while leading a vain existence, that is to say without striving for practising, studying or teaching the dhamma.
M Ignorance. Failure regarding the knowledge of dhamma. Only an arahanta is no more affected by moha.
N [Origin, root].
N [Deliverance].
M/N [Lie, deceit].
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Author: Monk Dhamma Sāmi
Date: 2001
Translator: Thierry Lambrou
Update: 2005, June the 20th